UWSCC Announces Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program Funding

1723 Military Street  •  Port Huron, MI 48060    810.985.8169



UWSCC Announces Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program Funding

United Way of St. Clair County, as board chairperson and administrator for the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), has received notification of the release of $95,359.00 by the federal government to provide grants for eligible agencies in St. Clair County. These Phase 38 funds are to be used to provide supplemental aid to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, and organizations helping individuals with emergency utility and mortgage assistance.

This category of funding (EFSP) is provided annually through a provision in the federal budget, which is targeted to address the needs of families impacted by unemployment and emergency medical events. The funds are determined for each county through a formula based on the number of funds allocated by Congress and the unemployment level within that particular county.

Agencies previously receiving funding through EFSP dollars are: Blue Water Safe Horizons (Port Huron), The Harbor (Port Huron), The Salvation Army (Port Huron), Downriver Helping Hands (Marine City), Downriver Bread of Life Nutrition Center (Marine City), Blue Water Community Food Depot (Port Huron), Harbor Impact Ministries (Kimball), Trinity United Methodist Food Pantry (Algonac), New Life Women’s Mission (Port Huron), SOS Marysville Food Pantry (Marysville), Blue Water Area Rescue Mission (Port Huron), Detroit Rescue Mission (Port Huron Pathway Shelter), Mid City Nutrition (Port Huron), and the C3 Connection (Capac).

All organizations are required to apply using the application process available online » uwstclair.org/EFSP; instructions are provided. All applications must be submitted to United Way of St. Clair County by 4:30 p.m. on January 25, 2021 for consideration.


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For further information, please contact: Brent Gillette - Executive Director
                                                                   bgillette@uwstclair.org 810.985.8169 ext.118

About United Way of St. Clair County
The United Way of St. Clair County was founded in 1924. Its mission is to mobilize the community of St. Clair County to raise funds and resources to meet identified human service needs with the highest level of accountability and community involvement. For more information, visit www.uwstclair.org.