Emergency Food and Shelter Funding (EFSP)
Phase 41& ARPAR
Local agencies, whether nonprofit or governmental, may apply. The Local Board is responsible for considering all applications, and for determining which organizations will receive funds. The Local Board also determines which services are funded. According to the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program, St. Clair County's award for Phase 39 is $50,231 and ARPAR is $155,252. Local boards have been instructed to convene to begin the process by requesting interested local organizations to complete the EFSP Application and submit it accordingly.
STEP 1: Please print and complete the following application form(s):
- EFSP Phase 41 Application
- EFSP Phase ARPAR Application
- Additional certification forms may be required to be completed following the initial EFSP application.
STEP 2: Once completed, please submit ALL required information by:
- Email: finance@uwstclair.org (preferred - please scan and submit each application and supporting documents as one pdf for each application phase)
- Fax: (810) 982-7202
- or Mail: Attn: EFSP, 1723 Military Street, Port Huron 48060
Please call (810) 985-8169 x118 to confirm the application was received.
LRO Certification Form must be completed on the EFSP website after the EFSP Board Plan is submitted.
Please Note: All applications must be submitted to United Way of St. Clair County by 4:00 p.m. on April 18, 2022 for consideration.
EFSP National Board link to Phase 39 & ARPAR Funding Information
Applying for Funding
Don't forget to include with your application, regardless of past funding:
- Proof of non-profit or government agency status
- Federal Employer Identification (FEIN)
- Copy of most recent audit (if applying for $25,000 or more)
- List of organization's board members
- Proposed program budget (include incomes & expenses)
- Substantiation of unmet emergency needs
- Specific time of client access to services
Criteria for Local Recipient Organization (LRO)
Criteria for Local Recipient Organizations (LRO) interested in applying are required to have the following (available on website):
- Be nonprofit or an agency of government
- Not be debarred or suspended from receiving Federal funding
- Have checking account and sign up for EFT (cash payments are not allowed
- Have an accounting system for fiscal agent approved by Local Board
- Have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
- Have a Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number issued by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) and provide along with other required associated information
- Have valid email address for program communication and electronic signature processes
- Conduct an annual accountant’s review if receiving $50,000 to $99,999 in EFSP funds
- Be providing services and using its other resources in the area in which they are seeking funding
- Practice nondiscrimination
- Have voluntary board if private, non-for-profit; and
- To the extent practicable, involve homeless individuals and families, through employment, volunteer programs, etc., in providing emergency food and shelter services.
LRO General Requirements
Local Recipient Organizations are expected to review the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Responsibilities and Requirements Manual. Please note the following informational bullets prior to applying for funding:
- Attend quarterly meetings, or send representative
- Maintain payment documentation from itemized invoices/reports
- Eligible program expenses by an approved method of payment directly to the vendor not more than 90 days after the invoice date
- Submit required online reports for payment (interim & biannual report)
- Spend awarded funding within the spending period
- Maintain records for a minimum of 3-years
Click HERE for a link to EFSP National Board
Sample Reporting Spreadsheets
The following forms are examples of the required information collected from Local Recipient Organizations (LROs):
Local Board Quarterly Report
If your agency has received funding and a spreadsheet isn't available, please log into the National Board website, or call 810.985.8169.